The Tunnel of Dooooooom



“Ouch, that hurt…”



“It’s turning here.”

“Wait, were?”

“Few meters.”

“Oooooh, it’s turning!”

“Now it’s stairs.”


“It’s stairs now!”

“Man, that hurt! Stairs are going up?”


“Where are you?”


“No shit!”

vI know, it’s so dark!”

“I hit my head again.”



“It’s a hole here!”

“What did you say!”

“Nisse, what did you say?”

“Victor, there was a hole there!”

“I told you! I can still hear the others.”


“Guess not.”

“I’m hurt…”

“Me too, maybe we’re almost there?”

“Hope so.”

This was a paraphrase, of course, an outtake from the lively and sort of hysterical discussion between Victor and Nisse during their crouching through the Cu Chi Tunnels. The language might have been slightly different, for one it could have been in Swedish, but for printing purposes did I believe this to be more fitting. For a more correct and dynamic dialog you could imagine cursing and screaming to a ratio of 2:1 versus normal words.



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