Piercing the thick haze between the dream world of hope and imagination to reality in a cloud of colorless green and pink. Then I got smacked in the face by a huge mallet of pain and agony.
Where am I? My lips taste sweet, but I’m not thirsty. Am I still in India? My feet are cold, but I’ve apparently kicked off the blanket. It doesn’t smell like India, but I’m not home.
I feel awful, what happen yesterday? That constant rhythm, the sedating vibration, it comes back to me now. But this isn’t my bed? I’m on a train through Russia, or that’s at least where we where yesterday. Why am I in this bed?
My head is pounding in the mentality of the worst hangovers, so I should really get something to eat. A memory of Malibu comes to mind. That most have been what got me this drunk. Who is down there at the bottom beds?
I’m almost too weak to roll over and check, let alone to rise up to a sitting position. At least it’s my travelling companions, so this should be my coupe. There is no way I’m climbing down there in my current physical state, I would fall and hurt myself pretty bad. What time could it be?
There’s a small beam of light coming through the almost covered window, so at least it’s daytime. Never mind, the phone is down there, and it wouldn’t be worth it to fall down to just check the time. Maybe I could try and wake them up?
No, I can’t do that, I don’t want to be that guy. But what happened yesterday? Why would I take his bed when I had my own? And why was he wearing his jacked and cap while sleeping? I’d better go back to sleep, the headache is killing me. Let’s deal with this when they wake up.
I’ve never really had that urge before, to feast because of an excess of food. Never before did I had the feeling that whatever I don’t eat now will be lost tomorrow. It never occurred to me that many celebrations where born this way, but I can see why. It felt amazing.
It could have been the massive hangover, it could have been the malnourished soul after a week of noodles or possibly because I was really hungry, but I didn’t care. We ate like starving vultures finding a dead elephant and it felt amazing. The girls who got off late the previous evening had left us what they didn’t want to carry and we couldn’t express our gratitude. Hopefully will the headache drop soon and this day could carry on as all the other lazy days before.